July 30, 2017 marked the 78th Schützenfest of the German American Marksmanship Club in Auburn Hills, MI (Deutsch-Amerikanischer Schützenverein, Inc.) held by the DASV Foundation. This is always a fun midsummer event where you can eat authentic German food as well as have local and imported German beer, wine, and liquor. The King and Queen of the club are inaugurated at this event during the 2:30 PM ceremony that includes flags, a parade of dignitaries and members, and the national anthems of the U.S., Germany, and Austria.
The event’s name comes from the prize shooting that is the focus of the festival, where members take turns at the shooting gallery attempting to destroy a wooden eagle. The winner’s prize is to become next year’s King! No actual eagles are harmed during this event, by the way, and the shooting gallery is entirely enclosed.
Music for dancing was provided this year by Tommy Schober & Sorgenbrecher. We have a short video of them below that we think you will enjoy. There was some dancing, but the number of couples tends to increase as evening arrives.
We try to always attend this event and we’ve got a number of photos from this year, below, to give you a feel for it that will make you want to attend next year. Food photos are notoriously hard to do. Trust us, the food is way better than the photos give them justice.
Donations are $3.00 per person at the gate. For more information about next year, call Mary Hundich at (586) 979-9128 Their website is dasv.org Find them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/germanamericanmarksmanshipclub/